Website Management

The Internet is a dynamic environment and therefore it is vital to keep your website content up-to-date.

Your website needs to change regularly to keep visitors coming back, this means that your web rankings will show significant improvement. To do this a website needs regular updates, keeping it fresh and current.

The sites optimisation also needs monitoring to ensure we can keep it ranking highly in the areas that will keep your business on top.

We provide website management packages to include regular updates or you can select the updates pay-as-you-go service.

Alternatively, we can create a website for you to update your own content via an easy to use interface, with training on how to achieve this.


Blog and Social Media

XL Web Studio also offer blog and social media services for the popular social media channels – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and Google+.

Our services include set up and training so you can keep these up to date yourself or alternatively we offer a fully managed service.

For more information about our website management, blog and social media services please call us on 01328 738 333 .